This page is here to let me just talk about myself. If you would like to get to know be for some reason, lets have a chat in person, but if you are too socially awkward, or you don't actually want to talk to me, you can have a read of this.

I am an undergraduate student studying Theoretical Physics and Mathematics in Maynooth University will do a masters in high preformance computing in Trinity College Dublin. Apart from that, which is a significant portion of my life and interests, im a mere casual gamer and hobby programmer and some music is pretty cool. Born in Poland in the town of Sanok, came to Ireland and grew up in here.

Reading this page every once in a while is quite cringe inducing and I want to rewrite it but I wont completely remove it yet as it does kind of reflect on my personality? maybe a little.

Before starting college most of my maths and phyics interests were satisfied by general audience pop science books, and i have to recommend Neil DeGrasse Tysons book "Astrophysics for people in a hurry" as it was the first book i picked up in a long time and my 15 year old self loved it, its a nice short book. Currently, unsuprisingly, I learn most the most about these topics as part of my course in University, however I often find myself in wikipedia rabbit holes on whatever peaks my insterest in a given moment. I plan to write about some mathematics myself here, just some little guides or perhaps a little dive into a topic i like in that moment. I have a moderate interest in music I am currently very fond of Daft Punk's music, listening to Aerodynamic as writing this, and some other stuff on my spotify if youd like to see yourself. Long bus rides to and from Maynooth have helped fuel this interest.

As you may have noticed my now I am a big nerd, and I spend alot of time on computers so I have dabbled in bits of everything when it comes to creating things with the aid of a computer. I spent a good bit of time with Blender, a strangely free 3d modelling program, which has been fun play around with. Some things i made i share on thigiverse here, but this collection doesnt represent all of he things i have done. Also 3d printing is very cool and you will find alot of fun things to print on thingiverse. As for some programming I have done look here.

I used to play lots of video games back in secondary school, some of my favourites include; Minecraft, Terraria. Nowdays I dont play as much but i still enjoy to play some every once in a while. As for games in general, Magic the Gathering is a card game which i came to enjoy, with some free time, very good for a group of nerds to enjoy. A little update like 5 moths later I am currently enjoying Helldivers 2 alot and I recomend it. Very fun game. A little intermission here's a banger that just came on for me as of writing Giorgio by Moroder.

As for my future self, career wise, I think that I will end up in finance or software of some sort. I think persuing academia would be really fun but logically and financially I think that the first is the much better choice, both financially and mentally in the long term. I am considering doing a PhD in something but maybe like part time and after a year or two of have some real job. Apart from that I strive to be a lifelong learner and hope to become better in every way I can up to my inevitable end!